Repeal the Deal? Europe and Germany facing U.S. withdrawal from the 2015 non-proliferation treaty with Iran

Kooperationsveranstaltung mit dem AGBC (American German Business Club) in englischer Sprache

Donnerstag, 15. November 2018, 19.30 Uhr

Repeal the Deal? Europe and Germany facing U.S. withdrawal from the 2015 non-proliferation treaty with Iran


Prof. Dr. Neamat Nojumi, an American scholar and practitioner, served as a senior political analyst for the U.S. government

Kamran Safiarian, author, journalist, since 2013 part of the ZDF „heute journal” team, focused on Iran, Islam, terrorism and human rights

Moderation: Stefan Schröder

With Professor Neamat Nojumi and ZDF Reporter Kamran Safiarian we have two excellent experts on the politics and society of Iran on the panel which will be able to give detailed insights into the strategy and stakes of this country, while professor Nojumi is in a first-hand position to explain US interests and strategy in this critical situation. Stefan Schroeder, editor-in-chief of the Wiesbadener Kurier, will chair the panel.

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